Shared Ownership in Somerset

We'll pay a part to get you on the property ladder in Somerset, with Shared Ownership. 

We partner with you to share the cost of buying your own home – you pay for the part you can afford and we’ll pay for the part that’s left.  

Living here, you'll be well located to reach a wide variety of towns and cities, making it the perfect place for families and working professionals to call home. Somerset borders Gloucestershire and Bristol to the North, Wiltshire to the east, Dorset to the south-east and Devon to the south-west. 

You can find all of our Shared Ownership homes available in Somerset below.

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We have found these results from Somerset, England

Applications now open Bathroom

Russet Close, Wellington

3 bedroom house

Wellington, TA21 9BJ
Offers available Bathroom

Three bedroom homes, Royal View
Prices from £99,000 Based on buying a 40% share

Shared Ownership new build

North Petherton, TA6 6HS